
FinOps - Version:1
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  • Week 1: Introduction to FinOps
    • Lecture 1: Introduction to FinOps
      • Definition of FinOps and its role in financial operations
      • Key concepts and terminology of FinOpso.
      • FinOps vs. DevOps
    • Lecture 2: Overview of financial management and accounting principles
  • Week 2: Cloud Financial Management Fundamentals
    • Lecture 1: Cloud Infrastructure and Cost Optimization
      • Introduction to cloud computing and its benefits
      • Understanding cloud infrastructure and pricing
      • models: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
      • Strategies for cost optimization: rightsizing,
      • reserved instances, spot instances, auto-scaling
    • Lecture 2: Cloud Financial Managemen
      • Cloud financial management tools and techniques: AWS Cost and Usage Report, Azure Cost Management, Google Cloud Billing
      • Cloud accounting and reporting: reconciling
      • Cloud costs with accounting data
      • Cloud cost optimization best practices: monitoring and analyzing cloud costs, creating cost optimization policies
    • Lab: Analyzing and optimizing cloud costs using
    • AWS Cost Explorer and Azure Cost Management
  • Week 3: Cloud Infrastructure and Cost Optimization
    • Lecture 1: AWS Cloud Infrastructure and Cost Optimization
      • Introduction to AWS cloud infrastructure and services
      • Understanding EC2, RDS, S3, DynamoDB, Data Transfer
      • AWS cost optimization techniques
    • Lecture 2: Azure Cloud Infrastructure and Cost Optimization
      • Introduction to Azure cloud infrastructure and services
      • Understanding Virtual Machines, Azure SQL, Azure Storage, Azure Cosmos DB, Data Transfer
      • Azure cost optimization techniques
      • Lab: Optimizing cloud costs on AWS and Azure
  • Week 4: Cloud Financial Management Tools
    • Lecture 1: AWS Cost Management and Optimization
      • Overview of AWS Cost Management and Optimization tools
      • AWS Cost Explorer and AWS Trusted Advisor
      • AWS Budgets and AWS Cost Anomaly Detection
    • Lecture 2: Google Cloud Financial Management and Optimization
      • Overview of Google Cloud Financial Management and Optimization tools
      • Google Cloud Billing and Google Cloud Pricing Calculator
      • Google Cloud Cost Management and Big Query analysis
    • Lab: Analyzing and optimizing cloud costs using AWS Cost Explorer and Google Cloud Billing
  • Week 5: FinOps in Practice
    • Lecture 1: Case Studies in FinOps
      • Case studies and examples of successful FinOps implementation
      • Best practices for implementing FinOps
      • Real-world challenges and solutions in FinOps
    • Lecture 2: Metrics and KPIs for FinOp
      • FinOps metrics and KPIs
      • Financial modeling and forecasting for FinOps
      • Measuring the ROI of FinOps
    • Lab: Applying FinOps best practices to a real-world scenario
  • Week 6: FinOps Certification Preparation
    • Lecture 1: AWS Certification Practitioner
      • Overview of AWS Certification Practitioner certification
      • Exam format, content, and structure
      • Study tips and resources
    • Lecture 2: Practice exams
  • Week 7: Multi-Cloud Strategies
    • Lecture 1: Introduction to Multi-Cloud Strategie
      • Advantages and Disadvantages of Multi-Cloud
      • Hybrid Cloud, Multi-Cloud, and Edge Computing
      • Multi-Cloud Management and Governance
    • Lecture 2: Introduction to Kubernetes
      • What is Kubernetes, and why is it important?
      • Kubernetes architecture and components
      • Kubernetes cost optimization techniques
  • Week 8: FinOps Automation & Course Summary
    • Lecture 1: Introduction to FinOps Automation
      • Defining FinOps Automation
      • Benefits of FinOps Automation
      • Overview of Tools and Technologies for FinOps Automation
    • Lecture 2: Course Summary
      • Overview of the key concepts and topics covered in the course
      • Review of best practices for cloud cost optimization and FinOps
      • Q&A and open discussion about the course and cloud cost optimization