DevOps using Open Source Tools

DevOps methodologies allow organizations to improve their software development lifecycle by applying techniques to improve software delivery and operations. In this course, we will learn how to design and implement DevOps practices by theoretical sessions and many hands-on exercises.
Intended audience
Infrastructure Professionals and system administrators
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Module 01: Introduction
Module 02: Git Structure
Module 03: Working Locally (Basics)
Module 04: Working with Branches
Module 05: Merge and Rebase
Module 06: Undoing Changes
Module 07: Working with Remotes
Module 08: Git Workflows
Module 09: Advanced Git Overview
Module 10: What Next?
Docker Workshop
Module 01: Introduction
Module 02: Understanding Docker
Module 03: Installing Docker
Module 04: Docker Architecture
Module 05: Docker Basics
Module 06: Building Containers
Module 07: Managing Containers
Module 08: Volumes & Networks
Module 09: Working with Registries
Module 10: Advanced Docker Overview
Modern CI/CD
Introduction & Setup
Course introduction
Overview of the course objectives and structure
Setup instructions for required software and tools
CI/CD introduction
Understanding the principles and benefits of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Overview of the CI/CD pipeline and its components
Introduction to common CI/CD practices and workflows
Jenkins overview
Jenkins Pipeline as code
Jenkins Shared Library
GitLab overview
GitLab CI/CD pipeline
GitHub overview
GitHub Actions overview
CI/CD with GitHub Actions
Artifacts repositories overview
Artifacts management with Sonatype Nexus
Artifacts management with JFrog Artifactory
GitOps overview
GitOps with ArgoCD
Module 01 - Introduction
Workshop Objectives
Workshop Agenda
Kubernetes Introduction
Module 02 - Kubernetes Architecture
Core Concepts
High-Level components Architecture
Master Components
Worker Node Components
Putting All Together
Additional Services
Module 03 - YAML and Kubctl
Lab 01: Setting Up Your Workstation
Module 04 - Kubernetes Basics
Kubernetes Building Blocks
Replication Sets
Lab 02: Creating Our First Pod
Module 05 - Deployments and Upgrades
Rolling Upgrades
Lab 03: Deploy and Upgrade a Single Service
Module 06 - Labels and Annotations
Module 07 - Kubernetes Networking
Kubernetes Networking Introduction
Container Network Interface (CNI)
CNI Plugins
Fundamental Networking Rules
Networking patterns
Module 08 - Services
Services Introduction
Service Types – ClusterIP
Service Types – NodePort
Service Types – LoadBalancer
Service Types – ExternalName
Lab 04: Creating a Load Balancer Service
Module 09 - Ingress
Introduction to Ingress
Ingress Controllers
Lab 05: Deploying applications using Ingress
Module 10 - ConfigMaps and Secrets
ConfigMaps – As Environment Variables
ConfigMaps – As Volumes
Lab 06: Using ConfigMaps and Secrets
Module 11 - Jobs and CronJobs
Lab 07: Running Jobs and CronJobs
Module 12 - Deamonsets
Lab 08: Running Pods as DaemonSets
Module 13 - Helm Package Manager
What is Helm?
Helm Concepts
Helm Architecture
Helm CLI
Using Helm Charts
Lab 09: Deploying Applications using Helm
Module 14 - Managed Kubernetes
Local Development Kubernetes
Kubernetes on Google Cloud Platform (GKE)
Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services (EKS)
Kubernetes on Microsoft Azure (AKS)
Kubernetes On-Premise using Kubeadm and Kubespray
Other Kubernetes Distributions
Module 15 - Advanced Scheduling
Requests & Limits
Taints & Tolerations
Affinity & Anti-Affinity
Module 16 - Autoscaling
Scaling pods horizontally
Scaling pods vertically
Scaling cluster horizontally
Lab 10: Configuring Autoscaling
Module 17 - Kubernetes Storage
Module 18 - StatefulSets
Lab 11: Working with StatefulSets
Module 19 - Summary
Course Summary
What Next?
- Practical experience in software development (IT or Dev)
- prerequisites as brought within the specific 1-day syllabuses
- Understanding the DevOps importance in our days
- Learn how to implement DevOps methodologies and it’s best practices
- Use the most used tools to implement DevOps practices and compare the different options in the market
- Specific objectives as brought within the 1-day syllabuses
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