Linux Debugging Workshop for C and C++ Developers

LinuxDebuggWS - Version:1
What will you learn and practice • How to effectively use gdb. • Extending gdb to make a better developer experience. • How to debug memory problems with gdb and valgrind. • Debug multithreaded programs. • Debug with Time Travel. • Debug with GUI/TUI tools. • Create and debug core dump files • Remote debugging • Using strace, ltrace and ftrace, procdump and procmon tools • Use gdb extensions and customizations
Intended audience
Software engineers with hands-on experience developing C or C++ applications who need to up their debugging game. Some basic knowledge of Linux, bash, make/cmake is required.
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  • gdb basics
    • Preparing the executable
    • Running and attaching
    • Break points
    • Watch points
    • Catch points
    • Displaying data
    • Stack frames
    • Printf style debugging with gdb
    • Signals
    • gdb and C++ exceptions
  • gdb UI
    • TUI
    • GUI front ends
  • Debug symbols
    • Striping symbols
    • Debug fission
    • gdb index
    • Debug symbol server
  • Remote debug
    • gdbserver
    • debug remote target
  • Advanced gdb
    • Altering execution
    • Chek points
    • Reverse execution
    • Trace points
    • Recording and replaying
  • Debugging memory problems
    • How to debug memory problems with gdb
    • Extending gdb to display heap information
    • Combining valgrind and gdb
    • Valgrind vs sanitizers
  • Multithreaded Problems
    • All stop mode
    • None stop mode
    • Background execution
    • Debugging multithreaded code
    • Analyzing with race conditions with helgrind
  • Customizing Gdb
    • Configuring gdb with gdbinit and python
    • gdb dashboard, GEF and other customizations
  • Complementary tools
    • Bin Utils
    • Linux ProcDump
    • Linux ProcMon
    • Other debuggers