Advanced React

AdvancedReact - Version:1
This training is specifically designed for experienced React developers who want to deepen their knowledge and skills in advanced React concepts and techniques. The course includes hands-on exercises, practical examples, and real-world scenarios to reinforce the learning experience.
Intended audience
Experienced React developers
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  • Server Calls Architecture Considerations
    • Utils Services Layer
    • Process Utils Layer
    • BL, DALs & Orchestration
    • Micro-Service Architecture
  • State Management with Redux
    • State machine
    • Actions
    • Derivations
    • Reactions
    • Side effects with Redux-Saga
  • ContextAPI
    • Producer
    • Consumer
    • Context API vs Redux
  • Reactive Programming
    • Reactive Programming Paradigm
    • Observer design pattern
    • Observables & Observers
    • RxjS
    • Operators & Usages
  • Authentication with JWT
    • Authentication & Authorization
    • JWT Concepts
    • Client-Server round trip
  • Interceptors
    • Interceptors Concepts
    • Logging Interceptors
    • Caching Interceptors
    • Authentication Interceptors
  • Routing & SPA (Single Page Application)
    • What is Routing
    • The need for routing
    • Routing options
    • Path Location
    • Passing parameters
    • Nested routes
    • Hooks in Routing
    • Route Guard
    • Lazy Loading
  • Improve Performance with Memoization
    • Memoization Basics
    • React.Memo
    • useMemo
    • useCallback
  • React Query
    • React Query vs Redux
    • Query hooks
    • Mutation
  • Advanced Components Design Patterns
    • Decorator Design Pattern
    • High Order Components
    • Composition
    • children
  • React Unit Testing
    • Mocha
    • Karma
    • Assertions with Chai
    • Testing Components
    • Testing Services
    • E2E testing with TestCafe
  • Access GraphQL Server (If time permits)
    • GrapQL Basics
    • Schemas
    • Types
    • Consuming with Apollo Client
  • React Best Practices
  • Basic React knowledge
  • Expand knowledge and skills in advanced React concepts and techniques
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