Channel News
Rx Challenge #3
Bnaya Eshet |  3/6/2015

לילה טוב
Assaf Tzur-El |  3/2/2015

SDP conference summary
Michael Haberman |  12/30/2014

Events Events Events
Ido Flatow |  9/3/2014

Debug and View Expressions in VS 2013
Manu Cohen-Yashar |  7/1/2014

Lidan Hackmon |  5/6/2014

HTML5 Graphics
Sebastian Pederiva |  6/9/2013

Introduction to Hadoop on Windows Azure
Dmitry Shechtman |  12/15/2011

M-V-VM or maybe S-V-VM?
Alon Levi |  12/6/2010

Today's presentation
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Lidan Hackmon Posted at: 5/6/2014 10:00:30 AM
Hi everyone, Thank you for visiting my blog. Every now and then I find myself trying to read interesting articles and having trouble understanding them completely. Most of the articles are very informative and written by professionals, however, massive data can sometimes be overwhelming. I believe that complex and massive data should be explained by […]